Purchase a Resting Place

Natural Burial Rights

In-ground, full body, natural burial rights

Single Space


*additional cost estimates

Double Space


*additional cost estimates

Family Estate


(four spaces)

*additional cost estimates

Cremation Burial Rights

Space for the in-ground burial of cremated remains
Note: All cremains (ashes) are mixed with a specially formulated soil to encourage natural plant growth. These cremains are ready for immediate burial.

Single Space


*additional cost estimates

Double Space


*additional cost estimates

Family Estate


(four spaces)

*additional cost estimates

Cremains Scattering Rights

Scattering of cremated remains
Note: Cremains to be broadly scattered must be mixed with a special soil compost and kept in a container for a minimum of 4 months prior to being scattered in natural surroundings; thus, the type of freely scattered ashes must be a delayed event. (It is however possible to deposit ashes immediately if they are scattered in a managed area of less than a couple square yards of soil and then topped with a heavy covering of leaves.)

Single Set of Cremains



Note: The following services are provided by Whispering Hills, LLC, with the assistance of third party vendors. These are estimates only and are subject to change from time to time.

  1. Opening and closing a grave for natural burial and restoration of the gravesite | $1200
  2. Opening and closing a grave for a cremation burial and restoration of the gravesite | $550
  3. Natural stone from the property may be engraved with the family name, date of birth, and date of death of the decedent | $380-$500 (depending on size of the rock chosen)
  4. A biodegradable container (optional) may be purchasded for burial of ashes | $50


  1. Prices and terms are subject to change from time to time at the discretion of Whispering Hills, LLC. Any change in this price list will be filed with the State Board of Cemeterians as required by law or regulation.
  2. A 10% discount off of the above prices is applied to all Interment and scattering rights which are paid for in full with cash or check at the time of the purchase. A 5% discount of the above prices is applied to all interment and scattering rights which are paid in full with a credit card at the time of purchase. Discounts do not apply to opening, closing and restoration of graves or to engraving of stones.
  3. Payment Plans are available: Minimum down payment 20%, followed by payment of the remaining balance in 24 or fewer equal monthly installments with payments to be made by bank draft. In all cases, payment in full must be made before any interment will be allowed. There are no interest charges.